May 24, 2012

Factor of Successful Breastfeeding Which Never Revealed

"BLESSING" is the most important factor of a successful breastfeeding.

I won't discuss about the benefit of breastfeeding, it is obviously the best feeding for the newborn. The nutrient content of breast milk will be sufficient for the baby's requirement for the first 6 months of their life. If you surf to the internet, I believed no articles would say breastfeeding is bad. All of them will say that breast milk is the best for both mom and baby. That is why; many mothers begin to concern about the importance of breastfeeding their babies.

Moreover, breastfeeding has been a certain fanaticism for some women. They'll feel so guilty if they can not breastfeed their baby. I know some of them; one of my friends decided to resign from her promising career in order to be able to exclusively breastfeed her baby, another friend was actively breast pumping during her working hour to fulfill her baby's need when she left him for work.

I'm also one of the "victims" of this fanaticism. I bought a quite expensive breast pump, woke up in the middle of the night and early in the morning just for collecting every drops of my breast milk. I did this routine for one year.

I know I was one of a very lucky woman. I understand many women out there are not as lucky as I am. That's why I wrote on top of this article, the most important factor of successful breastfeeding is; God's Blessing. No matter how hard our effort, it won't work unless God give us the breast milk's portion for breastfeeding.

Theoretically, our breast milk will be abundance if we consume more vegetables, nuts or soy milk. But, if God did not put your name on the list of breast milk's receiver, I believe you can not provide as much breast milk as you expected. I can write it because I have proved it.

Sometimes, I plan to increase my milk supply by consuming mustard greens (light colored and darker colored) as well as drinking soy milk, but the resulted milk of that day is just average amount. On the other day, when I consume a standard menu, my breast was getting harder and of course I could provide more milk than usual. From this experience, I got one conclusion; there is an x-factor which makes a breastfeeding possible, that is; God's blessing.

It's OK not to breastfeed and replace it with formula milk

Unsuccess Story #1
One of my friends, named Aldora, has canceled her plan to resign from her office because her effort of breastfeeding was failed.
She actually has followed nursing methods from her breastfeeding "Bible", one of the theories is the “supply and demand theory”, in which the more frequently a mother breastfeed the baby, the more her breast milk supply will be.
Aldora keep try to urge her baby to suck from her nipple, but the baby seemed not to be satisfied. She kept on trying and avoiding the formula milk, but she got no result. Her baby cried even louder and may not sleep.
Finally, she surrendered. She decided to withdraw her retirement letter because she thought “Why I stop working if I can not breastfeed my baby?”. Besides, she needs money to buy the expensive formula milk...

Unsuccess Story #2
Dian, another friend of mine, had a different story. She had blessed with abundant amount of breast milk, but she experienced "breast milk dam". It is because of severe injury in one of her nipple and the doctor told her to stop breastfeeding from the injured breast. Finally her injured breast was swollen, broke out and discharged pus mixed with breast milk. She did not have any other choice except stop breastfeeding.

Learning from my friend's experience which performed a great effort to have a successful breastfeeding, but still not get the expected result, I became more certain that breast milk production is fully authorization of God. Our obligation is - like my friends - struggling and struggling, such as; breast massage or consuming more vegetables and nuts. If the portion of our babies is not our breast milk, then we better be grateful to God, hoping His blessing to our children trough formula milk they drink.

That's the stories of us, what about yours? Please share if you wish.

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